Saturday, October 22, 2011

The One Who Heard From THE ONE

Last night's youth meeting was EPIC!!!  Here's the thing, only ONE kid showed up.  Yeah, you read right, one kid and 4 youth workers.  It was me, Ray, Sarah and Nunu last night.  Aaron showed up just a little after we did, and he looked pretty down and unhappy when he strolled up on the steps of the VanBuren house porch.  Nunu and I were shooting hoops, and Aaron and Sarah were sitting on the steps talking.  It didn't take long for Sarah to open up her Bible and start talking to him.  Because I wasn't in on the conversation, I had no idea what they were talking about.  After Nunu and I played for a while, I told him I was gonna sit and take a break.  I started making small talk with Aaron and Sarah, and eventually, I found myself talking to Aaron one on one.  He told me that he started coming to youth group here about May of last year after he and Nunu became friends and started working out.  He gave his heart to Christ then, but really didn't understand what living a godly life looked like.  He said had he not met Nunu when he had, he probably would have committed suicide.  He said he still is depressed and doesn't know how to shake the heaviness he feels.  I explained to him what was his because of his relationship with Jesus, and how when we make that decision, the Holy Spirit seals the deal and begins to change us as we walk with Him.  He said no one had quite explained it like that and it made a little more sense.
He said he felt like he didn't have any confidence in anything or in himself anymore, he said he can't look people in the eyes anymore and he just doesn't feel sure of anything.  COURAGE!!!  This is it!  So, I told him the story of Joshua and Caleb and the other 10 spies, and about how God worked through Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.  We talked about how God commanded Joshua to follow Him in all he did, and to be courageous and strong, and that God promises to never leave us.  How no matter what we face, we never face it alone.  His whole affect changed with that.  I played a little more basketball, and left him to think on things for a bit.  I didn't want to overwhelm him or freak him out.  After I was sweating and coughing (probably not one of my smarter moves, playing ball while sick...) and it was starting to get cold, we moved the party indoors.  Aaron and I picked up the conversation where we left off when he started asking questions.  At one point he realized I didn't know he was one of the youth kids, and that I had given my message only to him.  Sarah made the comment, "that's the Holy Spirit."  Aaron said, "What's that mean?"  So, I told him that I didn't know he was going to be the only one there that night, I didn't know that Sarah had told him while I was playing ball to be "bold as a lion", and that I didn't even know he was a youth and not just a friend of Nunu's.  I told him that God works for our good to remind us that we matter to Him and to remind us that he is RIGHT HERE.  This kid, 6' tall, 220 lbs just started crying.  He said, "This is all new to me and it's kinda freakin' me out! but in a good way."  I hugged him and he let me.  Then I prayed for him.  Guys, this is breakthrough.  This kid understood, on a very real level, that God loves him and that he matters!  This is huge.  I asked him if he wants to go to the youth retreat next weekend and he all but jumped on me when I asked and he gave a hearty and enthusiastic YES!!!  PRAISE GOD.

One of the other things we talked about was how to put one foot in front of the other in walking with God.  I gave him a Bible and marked out the book of John for him to read.  I told him even if he only read one or two verses a day, it was a start.  I told him to ask God for help to be better at the end of each day than he was at the end of the previous day.  He asked me if it really worked, and I told him a little bit of my story and said, YES, it does work.  I told him he can hit me up any time he wants with questions and he seemed a little surprised by that, but I assured him I was serious.  Pray for this young man, that God's word would take root and the Holy Spirit would blossom this young man into a warrior for Christ.  Aaron Saunders is his name.  Also, this retreat is $129 for him to go on.  If any of you feel led to contribute to get him on this trip, let me know.  He can't afford it on his own.  What doesn't come in from outside, Ray and I will cover.  Thanks for praying and for giving.  As you do unto the least, you do unto Jesus!  Love you guys!

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