God has already decided to start growing me in ways I didn't expect and I haven't even left Oregon yet. Kody has decided he wants to wait to go to New Jersey at a later date, so that means this is a solo trip for me, and I will now be traveling via Southwest Airlines instead of by way of my little green Honda car. I think in the long run, flying is cheaper, but it could possibly limit my mobility in New Jersey. God knows the details and I will trust Him to work out the logistics over there as He has done here. I was looking forward to the time with Kody, but I am so proud of him for praying about going and for listening to what God was telling him and for communicating openly about it. It takes as much guts to speak up when God tells you to put on the brakes as it does to go when God gives you the green light. What an example Kody is to me!!
Ray has given me my first 'assignment'~ to start working on the logistics of a youth winter mission/retreat toward the end of winter break for youth from the VanBuren group as well as some youth from PA and possibly Ohio. Please be praying for me as I do this! It's not necessarily foreign territory, per se, it's just not well travelled territory. I'm excited to help Ray in whatever way I can, and to help him give hands and feet to the vision God has given him for his ministry. Pray for these kids too! There is battle going on for their hearts. I am leaving Oregon on October 12th and will come home on November 20th. Just in time for Thanksgiving. I'll post between now and then, I'm sure, but just in case I don't, thank you for watching and for praying!
I'm actually kind of glad you're flying. I was getting bad vibes over the driving, but I didn't feel like I had the right to say anything. Am praying for you, wish I could be there!! I missed out on so many awesome opportunities before I had kids, I'm living vicariously through you now!!