Friday, October 28, 2011

Chasing A New Adventure

Im headed to Dallas, PA in a party bus full of teenagers, pizza, and Jesus tunes! Mike, this is giving me flashbacks of something akin to road trips to Creation :) The leadership of the church and the youth ministry have invited me in and put me to work. I fit right in and feel almost at home here. God has a way of doing that :) Aaron and Dave are doing great. Dave came last year and recognizes some faces and has helped Aaron connect with some guys. Be praying! I'm signing off so I cann connect with the kids and disconnect from technology. Love you guys.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Today Is The Day!!

Hey Ya'll! 
Today was a great day!  God is so good and I'm again blown away by the sufficiency of his endless grace!  Last night was a late night, both because I was yakking to some of you back home, not that I'll point fingers :) and the rest of it was hacking my full head off.  It was rather ridiculous if you ask me, but I don't write the rules of this game, I just have to follow them.  The first cool thing that happened today was that I slept late today.  Apparently I nuked my alarm when it went off and just rolled back over.  Oh, the power of a double dose of Nyquil!  That really isn't the cool part though.  The cool part is that Ray didn't call and ask me where I was when I didn't show up at 10 o'clock--my usual check in time!  So, I got some extra sleep, some extra prayer and study time, and Ray didn't miss me (which means he isn't stressed :)) 
The second cool thing is that my primary care doc back home, whom I am not all that fond of, agreed to just call me a prescription in for an inhaler instead of me trying to be seen here in this neck of the woods.  It should be called in and ready for me to pick up tomorrow before I leave for the retreat.  It would be super swell if I didn't need to go get it, but it's way cool that I can get it with relative ease, all it took was an e-mail!  I love technology, especially when God is in the mix!!  THEN, Jordan, one of the young ladies I have been trying to track down and hang with, and who hasn't been around the youth house, texted me today and asked if we could still hang today.  I was already planning to drive to Staten Island, in hopes of hooking up with some of the kids, and this one happened to track me down before I even left.  LOVE IT!!  It ended up just being Jordan and me, which was great.  It gave her the freedom to open up, and me the freedom to be honest and challenge her to step up and be the leader she needs to be.  She has been saved for a long time and has been shrinking back in fear and not stepping up to the plate, so I got a chance to challenge her.
IT...WAS...AWESOME!!!!!  AHHHH!!!!! These are the moments that light a fire under my seat and in my heart!  I can't even tell you.  One kid.  Or two.  If these are the two kids I connect with while I'm down here, then this trip will have been abundantly more successful than I could have asked for or imagined.  They are amazing, and their hearts are sensitive to the things of God.  They just need people with open hearts and open arms without an agenda or plan...people who love Jesus and love them to chill with them and kick them in the butt and motivate them to be more today than they were yesterday, and not do it by shaming them, but by helping them understand GRACE AND MERCY, and that by embracing grace and mercy, they can grown in Christ and know PEACE.  These kids desperately want and seek after peace.

I am praying the prayer that Nehemiah prayed, "Lord, strengthen my hands!!"  Please, PLEASE, pray that prayer for me.  Ask God to give me the strength to do the work that He has for me to do, and ask him to make it clear to me WHAT that work is, and who it is that he would have me connect with.  He is faithful and he will bring them in.  It's his gig, and these are his kids, just like me.  He likes them and he loves them way more than I ever could.  I just want to let them know that....let them know that they matter and they are significant!
WAHHHHH HOOOOOO!!!!  God is good.  WAY GOOD!  Pray for David and Aaron this weekend.  They are the two young men that will be going on the retreat in Dallas, PA this weekend (I'm going too, as a leader). Pray they connect with each other and with God.  I'm stoked to see what God will do in them and how he does it.  It's always interesting to watch God work with raw material :)  Good times!!  I'll check in on here when I get back and before I head to Boston.  Sorry there aren't any new pics.  My motivation for taking pictures the last few days has been, shall we say, uh....obsolete. 
Love you guys.  Thanks for entertaining my enthusiasm.  I hope you can keep up and it makes you smile :)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Good Morning!  I'm feeling rather accomplished and proud of myself...It's not yet noon, and this post is going up!  Yay me.  Never mind that I haven't posted for a couple days :)  I feel like I got ripped through a knot hole backwards (whatever a knot hole is....) and probably should seek out an urgent care today for a puffer refill since breathing isn't as over rated as I once thought.  So, this blog post is a victory today!  Now, lets get to the meat, shall we?

I got a phone call from Aaron at 7:21 am.  Yep, you read right.  7:21 am.  For those of you that know me well, you know that my eyes are far from open at that hour!  Aaron is the young man that I spent Friday night talking to about his relationship with Christ, and who yesterday called to tell me he got a job interview at Target and didn't even sound like the same young man.  He was light-hearted and laughing.  He said even he couldn't deny he felt and sounded different.  He called this morning to tell me that he and his dad got in a huge argument and that his dad called his faith a joke, and that "this God" he believed in wasn't going to come through for him.  Aaron showed him the Bible I gave him, and his dad told him anyone can walk up to him and give him a Bible, it don't mean they really care about him.  Aaron was scared and feeling pretty beat up when I talked to him.  We talked for about an hour or so, and I told him that this kind of thing was going to happen.  That people were going to come against him for what he believed, even those he loved.  I told him that God would speak for himself, and that as he began to change Aaron, people wouldn't be able to deny the change they saw.

I told Aaron I was proud of him for going and getting a job interview, and for standing his ground and standing for his faith this morning.  He told me he had never had anyone tell him they were proud of him for anything.  I told him not to argue with his dad, and not to discuss his faith when he was mad or upset with his dad.  I told him I'd be praying for him and his interview today, that I'd pray for his relationship with his dad, and that he had to call me and let me know how it went after his interview today.  I could tell he was smiling when he said, "Oh!  I will!"  Aaron told me that after his mother passed away his dad became a hard man and he rakes Aaron over the coals verbally.  Aaron is a tough kid physically, but he is a gentle young man with a soft heart.  He told me today that his dad's words cut really deep.
This is the kind of thing I was talking about with the enemy trying to squash the seed of hope in these kids.  Please pray against this!  We have the power and the authority to defeat this kind of work.  Satan is already defeated, people!  Let's remind him, collectively, that he is.  Put him back in his place, so to speak.  Please pray for Aaron- for his success in getting this job, for his success in getting back on track with God, for his heart to heal, for his relationship with his father, and for his father's salvation.  Aaron is going on the retreat, so pray that he'd connect with some of these kids that are also going so he would know he's not alone on his journey and he can reach out to other kids.

Thanks for praying and I'll keep you posted!  Pray for me too!  I need the energy to keep up with these guys this weekend!  We are headed to Dallas, PA.  Should be a great time!  Love you guys!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Ask and It Shall be Given To You...

So, after my last post about the need for the ministry here in Staten Island, God moved and people stepped up in a major way.  Two kids are going, fully funded, and if a third decides they want to go, their way will be fully paid as well.  PRAISE GOD!  Thank you to those who gave, and to those who will give, both of your resources and your prayers.  God is blessing this ministry, and he will bless you.  You are impacting lives for the immediate future and for eternity.  Strong work and thank you.  It gives you a way to take part-ownership in the  ministry too.  Just because you aren't here getting your hands messy, doesn't mean you aren't involved!  God is in the business of meeting needs, and we watched him do what some would say couldn't be done.  I'm humbled and amazed!  It's pretty awesome!

Please continue to pray for me.  I'm sicker than a dog with a cold, and frankly, I'm beyond done being sick.  I don't have the time or patience for it!!  I didn't travel 3500 miles from home to be sick, dang it!  I'm voiceless for the most part, and am starting to feel pretty run down.  It so far has stayed out of my head and nose, it's all in my chest, so all I do is cough.  It's just blah!  My gut is bugging me too, but I think it's from all the coughing I do.  So, just pray for a complete healing.  That's what I'm asking and believing God for!

Thanks and love you guys~
The View From the Back Door @ "Home" in Hackettstown

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Needs That Aren't Known Can't Be Met....

Good Morning!
This is by far my earliest post yet!  I got started before noon!  It's a beautiful and crisp fall day here in New Jersey, and I can't tell you all how nice it was to sleep in today!  Yes, I'm going to church today :)  Ray's church offers a 5 pm service on Sunday's.  Last week Ray raced motocross (say that 5 times fast) and this week, his nephew had a football game, so the late option has been great!  You are probably wondering what my title for my post is all about today, so I'll get right to it.  Pastor Mike has said for years that if you have a need and you never let anyone know, the need can't be met by those who know and love you.  So, I'm letting you guys know of a need this ministry in Staten Island has.  Ray has supported this ministry since it's inception in the mid 90's out of his pocket.  With the exception of getting funds for some of the kids to go on missions trips with him, he has foot the bill.  He is no longer in a position to be able to do that.  He has established a ministry, Edge Impact Inc, and just last week filed the 501 c 3 paperwork with the IRS to get that tax-exempt classification, but it will take 8 weeks to hear back.

Here's what the need is.  We need you first and foremost, to keep praying.  Pray your hearts out and faces off for Ray, the work he needs for his business, and for the work he's doing in Staten Island.  The enemy is working double time there.   Secondly, the ministry needs financial help.  There are retreats and trips for these kids to go on to connect with good and godly people, but they come at a price.  We have two kids going next weekend to Pennyslvania, and the cost for each kid is $129.  There is another retreat this Spring that carries the same price tag.  It's not like at home, these kids can't go ask for help from Mom and Dad.  They don't have money.  The kids come by money two ways, Ray gives it to them or they steal it.  That's it.  I'd love to eliminate the second one and help Ray with the first one!  AFTER you pray about it, if you feel led to give, you can send your donation to:
Edge Impact Inc
PO Box 465
Bernardsville, NJ 07924
I know a write-off isn't you primary motivation in giving, but as soon as the paperwork is cleared for the 501 c 3 status, I will let those give know.  Thank you for praying and in advance for those who give.  You really are touching lives and impacting eternity!  Love you guys!

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The One Who Heard From THE ONE

Last night's youth meeting was EPIC!!!  Here's the thing, only ONE kid showed up.  Yeah, you read right, one kid and 4 youth workers.  It was me, Ray, Sarah and Nunu last night.  Aaron showed up just a little after we did, and he looked pretty down and unhappy when he strolled up on the steps of the VanBuren house porch.  Nunu and I were shooting hoops, and Aaron and Sarah were sitting on the steps talking.  It didn't take long for Sarah to open up her Bible and start talking to him.  Because I wasn't in on the conversation, I had no idea what they were talking about.  After Nunu and I played for a while, I told him I was gonna sit and take a break.  I started making small talk with Aaron and Sarah, and eventually, I found myself talking to Aaron one on one.  He told me that he started coming to youth group here about May of last year after he and Nunu became friends and started working out.  He gave his heart to Christ then, but really didn't understand what living a godly life looked like.  He said had he not met Nunu when he had, he probably would have committed suicide.  He said he still is depressed and doesn't know how to shake the heaviness he feels.  I explained to him what was his because of his relationship with Jesus, and how when we make that decision, the Holy Spirit seals the deal and begins to change us as we walk with Him.  He said no one had quite explained it like that and it made a little more sense.
He said he felt like he didn't have any confidence in anything or in himself anymore, he said he can't look people in the eyes anymore and he just doesn't feel sure of anything.  COURAGE!!!  This is it!  So, I told him the story of Joshua and Caleb and the other 10 spies, and about how God worked through Joshua to lead the Israelites into the Promised Land.  We talked about how God commanded Joshua to follow Him in all he did, and to be courageous and strong, and that God promises to never leave us.  How no matter what we face, we never face it alone.  His whole affect changed with that.  I played a little more basketball, and left him to think on things for a bit.  I didn't want to overwhelm him or freak him out.  After I was sweating and coughing (probably not one of my smarter moves, playing ball while sick...) and it was starting to get cold, we moved the party indoors.  Aaron and I picked up the conversation where we left off when he started asking questions.  At one point he realized I didn't know he was one of the youth kids, and that I had given my message only to him.  Sarah made the comment, "that's the Holy Spirit."  Aaron said, "What's that mean?"  So, I told him that I didn't know he was going to be the only one there that night, I didn't know that Sarah had told him while I was playing ball to be "bold as a lion", and that I didn't even know he was a youth and not just a friend of Nunu's.  I told him that God works for our good to remind us that we matter to Him and to remind us that he is RIGHT HERE.  This kid, 6' tall, 220 lbs just started crying.  He said, "This is all new to me and it's kinda freakin' me out! but in a good way."  I hugged him and he let me.  Then I prayed for him.  Guys, this is breakthrough.  This kid understood, on a very real level, that God loves him and that he matters!  This is huge.  I asked him if he wants to go to the youth retreat next weekend and he all but jumped on me when I asked and he gave a hearty and enthusiastic YES!!!  PRAISE GOD.

One of the other things we talked about was how to put one foot in front of the other in walking with God.  I gave him a Bible and marked out the book of John for him to read.  I told him even if he only read one or two verses a day, it was a start.  I told him to ask God for help to be better at the end of each day than he was at the end of the previous day.  He asked me if it really worked, and I told him a little bit of my story and said, YES, it does work.  I told him he can hit me up any time he wants with questions and he seemed a little surprised by that, but I assured him I was serious.  Pray for this young man, that God's word would take root and the Holy Spirit would blossom this young man into a warrior for Christ.  Aaron Saunders is his name.  Also, this retreat is $129 for him to go on.  If any of you feel led to contribute to get him on this trip, let me know.  He can't afford it on his own.  What doesn't come in from outside, Ray and I will cover.  Thanks for praying and for giving.  As you do unto the least, you do unto Jesus!  Love you guys!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Courageous and Hopeful

Here's the main message for tonight's youth group.  Pray the kids show up.  I already know one of the main kids isn't coming tonight.  She's really struggling!  Jordan is her name.  If you think of it, pray for her by name. She is the one who's friend committed suicide this past weekend.  Jordan is a Believer, but is struggling with the very topic tonight's talk is on....


God sent Moses into the land of Egypt to rescue and deliver His people from their slavery to the Egyptians.  He throws 10 major plagues at Pharaoh in order to get him to release His people from their bondage.  God literally parts the Red Sea, and the Israelites walk across on DRY ground to complete the deliverance mission.  Moses tells God’s people that God will give them what he called the “Promised Land”, a land flowing with Milk and Honey.  He will settle his people down in this land and then separate them into the 12 tribes of Israel.  The test was a long backpacking trip in the desert.  It ended up being a 40 year backpacking trip in the desert with the entire nation.  During this trip, God provides for all their basic needs of food, water and navigation.  God wanted them to hold fast to him and to obey his voice.  However, the only thing the Israelites did faithfully was disobey and get themselves into major trouble with God.
At one point, God was so mad at their rebellious attitude, he was going to nuke the whole nation.  Moses went and stood in the gap and pleaded before God for his people, and God relented and changed his mind.  A little over 2 years into this backpacking adventure, Israel blew it for the last time, and it cost the nation dearly, particularly the men over 20 years old.  God told Moses to send 12 spies into the land to scout it out and then come back and report what they had seen.  10 came back with bad reports.  The said the enemies were giants (Philistines) and their kingdoms were too fortified and that Israel could not defeat them.  REMEMBER what these men had witnessed God do on their behalf to get them out of Egypt, and the fact that heaven rained their food for them every day and God lead them with a pillar of fire and a pillar of cloud!!!   When God heard them and saw their negative attitudes, and their lack of faith and abundance of fear, he told them that all of the men over 20 would not see the promised land.  He said they would wander in the desert until they all died, and that their sons would be their shepherds, bearing the brunt of their infidelity toward God.

Joshua and Caleb, two young men, under 20, would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised land because they had “whole heartedly” followed God.  They had full faith and belief in God that He could defeat all of their enemies once they went into the Promised Land to conquer and possess it.  Joshua ended up being the man that succeeded Moses and lead Israel into the promised land.  In Israel’s economy, Joshua and Caleb would have been considered Teenagers.  Just like you guys. 

They did not shrink back at fear when faced with giants, literally, that could have crushed them and taken their lives.  They knew and understood that God had their backs and that with him, nothing was too big or impossible.  Your generation needs you to stand up with this same kind of faith and courage.  God told Joshua to be strong and courageous, for He was with them.  The same promise from God is for you.  Be strong and courageous.  He is your hope and your salvation, and with Him, NOTHING, and I do mean nothing can stand against you.  With Jesus, you have the authority to bind Satan, cast out evil, break strongholds and follow the calling that God has on your life.  When you follow God’s call courageously, you will affect and change your generation, one person at a time.  When you shrink back in fear and disobedience, you allow Satan to come in and influence your friends, your family, and even YOU for the worse.  The biggest victory Satan has in a believer’s life is to render a Christian useless and ineffective!  Stand up, stand out, reflect the hope that’s in you and be courageous, You will never be sorry!


2 Timothy 1:7: For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Deuteronomy 31:6, 23:  “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”  23The LORD gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous, for you will bring the Israelites into the land I promised them on oath, and I myself will be with you.”
Joshua 1:7, 9: 7 “Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. 9 Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.”
1 Chronicles 22:13: 13 Then you will have success if you are careful to observe the decrees and laws that the LORD gave Moses for Israel. Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged.
1 Timothy 4:10, 12: 10 (and for this we labor and strive), that we have put our hope in the living God, who is the Savior of all men, and especially of those who believe. 12 Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.
1 Peter 3:12-15: 12 For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their prayer, but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.” 13 Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? 14 But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. “Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened.” 15 But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect,

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Under The Weather

Today is my first "early" post.  It's 3;30 pm my time and I find myself with nothing much to do.  Ray wasn't here at the house when I got here to work in the office, so I have been doing a lot of reading and praying and catching up on West Coast news.  I'm not feeling very good today.  My gut is sour, my head feels too big for my shoulders, and I have been coughing all morning.  I really don't want to be dealing with illness, of any variety!  I find it quite interesting that it comes on the day that I'm sitting down to prepare for tomorrow night and what I'm going to say to these kids.  Ray told me last night there is a good chance I'm flying solo tomorrow with the kids.  He said Sarah will be there as a helper, but that it will be my gig.  I'm really excited, actually.  My heart's desire is that the kids will show up, and that they can focus, even if it's for 10 minutes :)  I know that can be hard! 

Ray has been gone most of the day, and it's been a learning day for me.  The time he has been here has been quite productive.  I have gotten to interract with New Jersey's sales tax automated system and did the sales tax calculation for Ray and his book keeper who is out of town.  After two phone calls to him, and way too many pushed buttons later, I have come to the conclusion I never want to be a CPA.  Thank you, Lord, for letting me check that one off my list.  Sheesh!  I got it done though, so it's out of the way.  I helped ray get a couple landscaping contract bids typed up and ready to roll, and now I'm going to do some accounts receivable entries.  It's a quiet house, just me, so it's a good chance for me to pray while I'm doing the work.  It's not mindless, but it's not rocket science, either.  Nancy, I'm sure you can relate :)  I have an new appreciation for what you do, and if I haven't said it before, thank you for taking care of our books at church! 

I also have had the opportunity to talk to my sweet cousin Emily today.  Those of you who know what's going on in her life, please continue to pray for her.  She is such a courageous young woman, and I am so proud of her for the stand she is making.  It's hard when you feel like you are all alone in the world.  She is amazing, and thank you to those of you to have reached out to her to encourage her.  You have no idea how much it means to me, and I know it means the world to her.  Remember that Jesus said as you do it to the least, you do it to Him.  Thank you for being the hands and feet of Jesus to a hurting girl!  May God richly bless you!

I'll update ya'll later on what I'm teaching on tomorrow.  It will have to do with hope and courage.  Should be good....cuz' after all, God is good :)  Love you guys! Please pray for my body!  Whatever this is needs to be gone in Jesus name!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Delaware Water Gap Pictures

On the PA side Looking at NJ I-80

Delaware Water Gap Adventure, Among Other "Adventures"

Ray left me to my own demise today with a full tank of gas and the sun shining in the bright blue sky.  So, I took a short road trip to the Delaware Water Gap in Pennsylvania.  Portland, PA to be exact.  No, I didn't know, and No, I'm not kidding.  It took me about an hour from Ray's house to get there, and it was well worth the drive.  The view of the river and the colors I saw had me speechless with tears in my eyes.  Our God is an amazing Creator and artist.  The Water Gap is New Jersey on one side, Pennyslvania on the other, and the Delaware River in the middle.  There are hiking trails, backpacking trails and picnic areas with parks on both sides.  It's stunning.  Since it was mid-week, it was pretty well deserted, which made it a perfect place to relax, enjoy and pray and thank God for the opportunity to be where I am and who I am with.  Since I have quite a lot to say tonight, I will do like I did with my last post and do words first, and then pictures.  It seems to allow for a better layout with this blog.  I don't know if I love it, but it works and I'll live with it.  Flexibility, right?

I have shared with you guys that Ray has been really stressed with work, both with the landscaping side of things, and also with preparing and securing bids for his snowplow business he does in the winter time.  This guy has been over the top stressed, and it shows in everything he does.  It has given me a chance to really come alongside him and encourage him to talk to God and to trust God to work out the details and meet his needs.  Today, while I was wondering around the Gap, Ray called and told me he won the bid for Bernardsville Township.  It's a contract he has to bid for every year, and this year I think he said 4 guys including him, put in for it and he won.  He sounded like he was on top of the world.  I didn't sleep well last night, so I prayed a lot.  For the kids in Staten Island- Jordan in particular (her friend committed suicide by hanging on Sunday), and for Ray's heart to be peaceful.  Then he wins this bid.  And I am staning in this amazing place of beauty.  I did end up crying today.  I was amazed by God's goodness and desire to "uphold the universe by the word of his power." (Hebrews 1:3)  If we, being evil, desire good gifts for our kids, how much more does our Heavenly Father desire to give us good things?  (Paul, what's the reference for that verse???)  All these things came flying into my head and I was overwhelmed to the point of GOOD tears.

I am learning so much about God's character already, and I am only a week into this thing...actually in 5 minutes (my time) I will be a week in.  I'm blown away by how arrogant I am to think I thought I "knew" so much already.  I don't know squat, but I am learning, and WILLING to learn.  See, that's what God is looking for in us.  A willing and teachable spirit.  Those of you who have known me for 5 minutes know what a lug head I can be, and how frequently I can be the most unteachable individual you have ever encountered, but I WANT to be teachable.  I WANT to be more tomorrow than I was today, and I want to be more like Jesus moment by moment.  Being here has given me a first hand look and interaction with what spiritual battle looks like.  I have been in Yoder and Mulino and Molalla all cozy and warm thinking I had it rough with my thumb and my gut issues....and I did.  Being sick and injured sucks, but I am reaching out to kids with Ray in a city that had one of the very highest murder rates in the state of New York not that long ago....less than 4 years ago.  I have never wondered if I was going to make it from one street corner to the next with my life.  I haven't wondered if I was going to have a meal to eat in the course of a day.  Or if my dad was going to beat me (or worse), or if my mom was going to overdose on drugs and die in my arms.  I understand for the first time why the Apostle Paul said "PRAY WITHOUT CEASING!!!"  I want you to understand, that for the success of ANY ministry, church, person, for the sake of these kids and for mine and Ray's sanity, I want YOU ALL reading this to get it too.  And if you don't "get it", WANT to learn, WANT to understand, WANT to be teachable.  Ask the hard questions, seek out answers.  It's ok!

God is good, His Word endures and will not return to him without achieving the purpose he set it out to do.  I believe that with all my being.  I covet your prayers and so does Ray.  Keep praying.  Every time you think of one of us, pray.  I love you guys!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

I Didn't Forget the Pictures!

Legos News Chopper

Legos Empire State Building & King Kong

Legos Statue of Liberty

The Freedom Tower Is the Bright Building Where The Twin Towers Once Stood

Goin' To The City

Sabrina Emily & Jordan

Times Square
Game Face

Ray Catchin' Air

Friday, Saturday, Sunday......

Ok, I wanna scream now!!!  I had the blog update post done for the last three days done, and pictures posted, and my computer randomly decided to eat the post and tell me the link was broken.  LAME!  Yet, even in this, I will rejoice!  I guess this means I get to give ya'll an even better run down of the last three days, right.  Yes, let's go with that. 

Friday night was my first of many Fridays to come in Staten Island and New York City with the VanBuren youth kids.  Oh, the VanBuren name comes from the name of the street the house is located on that the kids meet at.  Pretty clever!  Eight kids showed up originally, but only four of them went to the city with us.  Two kids didn't want to go, and two were in trouble with their parents and couldn't go.  One of the boys, Jake, and one other boy showed up to the house quite stoned to start out the night.  Jake ended up going with us, the other guy didn't.  Ray told me that Jake is a saved kid, and that before he gave his heart to Christ, he stayed away from marijuana, but as soon as he accepted Christ, he started to struggle with it.  Ray said that happens to a lot of the kids who accept Christ.  With in a short time of them accepting Christ, the enemy attacks them in a big way.  Ray said he has seen this in almost every kid that has come to Christ through this ministry over the years.  Some kids navigate it and get back on track and a few have stayed on the wrong path.  PRAY FOR JAKE!!!  Once Jake's high wore off, he was a ton of fun.  He is a light-hearted kid considering his background and home life.  I asked him why he smokes pot and he told me that it makes life easier to deal with.  He was really honest with me, and when I talked to him, I could see a vacancy in his eyes and a deep sadness.  Back on track here.....We circled the waggons, and got the kids that wanted to go to Times Square Church: Jake, Sabrina, Emily and Jordan.  Jake was the only guy other than Ray.  Sarah (ray's other adult helper) and me were the other females and we took off.  It takes about an hour from the house, plus the ferry ride to the city and the subway ride, and walk to get to the church.  We caught the majority of the sermon and the worship time at the end.  After the service, the kids asked Ray if they could be my "official" city tour guides, and he grinned that goofy grin of his, and said, "Yeah!" with that east coast tone that I'm not sure yet if I like or not.  So, we walked all over Times Square.  I was in a Toys R Us that was 4 stories tall with a Farris Wheel inside the store.  True story~and it had it's own ice cream shop.  It had a Lego Statue of Liberty that was probably 10' tall, and Empire State Building that was 15' or so tall with King Kong on the side of it.  It was cool.  We left the city about midnight to make our journey back.  On the ferry home, Jordan really opened up to me.  We had about 30 minutes of one on one time, and she got down right vulnerable.  Ray has really asked me to take this young lady under my wing as much as I can, and this was an answer to my prayers for an opportunity to get to make an initial contact with her.  Jordan is a saved young lady, but is battling not becoming a product of her environment.  She lives in a rough home, Ray refers to it as a train wreck.  For the sake of her trust in me, I won't go into detail, but I will ask you to cover this girl in prayer.  She needs you to pray for her heart and mind.  Pray that she be motivated and that God would give her a vision for her future!

All of these kids struggle with seeing a future for themselves outside of the poverty of this city.  They were born here, in poverty.  They live in poverty, and that's what awaits them.  So, it's hard to help them catch a vision for a future outside of what they see, and outside of what their parents have.  It's hard to communicate to them, even the saved ones, that with Jesus, nothing is impossible.  So, pray about how God would use me to communicate that message to them in a tangible way where they are....and how Ray would communicate that to them.  We were just discussing how to do that (Ray and I), and we are really struggling.  If you have wisdom about that, SPEAK UP!!!!  Ray dropped me on the doorstep of the home I was staying at around 2:30 Saturday morning, and I was back up at 7:45!!!  Harsh! 

I drove back to Staten Island Saturday because there was someone interested in viewing the apartment Ray has for rent there, and the gal decided, after I got there, she wasn't going to show up.  So, I drove around the island praying for about an hour or so.  I left feeling like I had just run a marathon.  It was exhausting!  I definitely felt like I was doing battle.  That city is oppressed.  It's hard to explain it to you, so you'll have to take my word for it.  It needs some serious intervention!  Ray was telling me that at one point, it was the city with the second highest murder rate in the state of New York.  (Mom and Nancy, pretend you didn't read that!)  This is not a friendly town!  So, pray protection over these kids, their minds and hearts.  Pray that Satan and his work be bound!  We have the authority as believers to do that, so DO IT!!!  Pray for Ray and I as we are down there in the trenches.  It's hard work.  Harder than anything I have ever done, and I'm not even a week in yet.  This IS war.  I understand now why prayer is so crucial for us to engage in.  God moves because of the prayers of his people.  It's the most amazing and effective and useful thing we can do for our brothers and sisters in the faith.  I understand why the Apostle Paul said to pray without ceasing.  I get it.  Maybe really, for the first time.  And I am asking you to pray with a sense of urgency!

Thank you for your commitment to support me and to pray for this ministry.  You are encouraging me and you are encouraging Ray.  You can pray for these kids by name.  Brianna, Jake, Jordan, Emily, Tyrone, Tyrell, Sabrina, Alan, and Daysha.  There are more, and I will update the list.  I love you guys and thanks again!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Everybody Loves Raymond (Desiderio, that is)

Hey, my friends!  This is gonna be a short post tonight, I'm whooped and it's late here.  Today was a day of hangin' with Ray. I started my day out at 8:45 am by eating a home cooked meal!  Thin sliced ham, eggs, apple juice and coffee.  I GOT TO EAT EGGS FOR JESUS!  I was praying the whole time God would turn them into a doughnut on the way down, that I wouldn't gag on them, and that my gut would handle them.  I'm not any fluffier, so they didn't turn to doughnuts, I was able to smile and talk my way through breakfast, so I didn't gag, and they stayed put after breakfast, so my gut was a-ok!  Praise GOD!  I love being a missionary.  Mike, these eggs were for you, Pastor!  I was havin' me some flashbacks, baby!  Really though, if I loved eggs, this would have been a breakfast for the books.  I am eating like royalty here, and this family is amazing.  They have treated me like one of their own from the first time I stepped over the thresh hold of their front door!   Back to Ran and I....we ran all over the country side (literally and figuratively) and everywhere in between.  I left the house I'm staying at around 10:30 this morning and got back at 9:59 tonight.  It was an eventful day.  He's working on a job site that has caused him more greif than joy.  Pray for him, he's stressed, and the guy signed a contract at the beginning of this job about the cost of the job and such, and now is not honoring his word in regards to when he would pay Ray.  I can't really go in to specifics, but Ray is stressed and is trying to do the right thing and trust God.  So, pray for him, and pray that he can be a testimony and witness to this man, who also claims Jesus as his savior.  It's definitely a different world over here.  People are just wired different.  It's funny to me, how they get wound up, and THAT'S funny, cuz I get wound up pretty easy.  These people make me look calm, cool and collected at my worst.

Ray and I talked about the kids (Staten Island variety yout's) today a lot, and tomorrow is the big day.  I get to meet them, and I'm beyond excited.  Be praying that they actually show up.  The group is scattered right now, and that on top of work stress has Ray about over the top.  He has such a heart for these kids though.  Most folks would have packed it up and ditched them a long time ago.  He said he has a core of about 5 kids who show up, whenever, on Friday nights, and as long as they keep coming, so will Ray.  Hmmmm...that sounds like another youth guy I used to know.  (now he's a pastor :)) Ray gave me a list, literally a page long, of things he's got for me to do as far as the ministry in S.I. goes, and a lot of it is just connecting with these kids and hanging out with them.  I get my wheels, probably Saturday, and that will make things a bit easier.  I don't know about being able to go eat lunch with them, because the kids are spread out over 3 different schools.  So, when I spend time with them, it will probably be after school.  Ray also wants me to get the young ladies together to hang, whether it's a mall day or a movie or bowling day.  He said they aren't really the "frilly" type, which was and absolute relief to me!  No offense to the frilly types reading this and those "out there", but I have a hard time to relating to what type of foundation to buy or what shade of eyeshadow matches my lipstick (that I don't own).  Sports, shoes, jeans, that I can do.  Struggles with body image, thought patterns, depressions, etc, that I can do.  Be praying about that.  See a pattern developing???

I'm also going to be helping Ray organize a youth winter retreat/mission trip for kids from the Staten Island group, Pennsylvania and maybe Ohio, too.  The tentative dates are 12/26/11-1/2/12.  It's in the works, so cover that in prayer too.  They did this last year and it was an absolute hit with all involved, from the parents and leaders all the way down to the youngest participants and the people from the churches that helped locally.  So, this may become an anual event here.  Also, Edge Impact is the new name for Ray's ministry in Staten Island, and he is mailing off the 501 c 3 paperwork to the IRS tomorrow.  Pray it goes through without a hitch.  It would be a huge asset to Ray and the ministry to have this title for contributions that come in, and his ability to have it be connected to churches in New York and in New Jersey as far as getting info out there.  He's excited about it, and has a board of directors, etc for the ministry now.  This is a huge deal.  You know what I'm gonna say....Pray for it.

OK....I'm gonna hit the sack.  I'm beat and it's midnight.  Big day tomorrow.  I'll probably post Saturday about it because it's likely I won't be in until the weeeeeeee hours Saturday morning.  Until then....keep praying.  Love you guys!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

I Have New Jersey

Praise God for His grace and mercy, and for his provisions for me today in my travels.  I left Portland at 7:15 this morning and landed in Newark, New Jersey at 8:00 this evening, local time.  So, it was about 9 hours of air travel.  After I landed, it was 45 minutes of waiting for luggage and my wheels to arrive, and then a 50 minute car ride to my destination for the evening.  So, it's been a long day, but a GREAT day.  My first leg of the flight was from PDX to Salt Lake City.  It was just a pit stop, not a plane change, and it was a relatively short and empty flight.  I didn't get to talk to anyone, and I sat by myself.  However, in Salt Lake, the plane filled up and my row was quickly filled with two ladies.  One was about my age, maybe a year or two older, and the other young lady was high school age.  The gal that was my age quickly engaged me in conversation based on my thumb splint, and I found out she works in an infectious disease lab as a spokeswoman to the physicians, and tells them about the services that the lab offers.  I don't exactly recall what all she does, but her region involves Utah, Colorado and part of Nevada. She has lived in Utah for 2 years and hates it.  She recently got  a promotion, and with that promotion comes a move to Nevada.  She is a Believer, and she is happily married and her husband is also a believer and an artist.  She and I got to talking about what I was headed to New Jersey/New York to do, and she informed me that she envied my position in life.  We talked about being available to and for whatever God has for us to do and in whatever capacity he has for us to do it in.  Our flight was a short one, about an hour and 15 minutes, and about 50 minutes in, the high school aged gal piped up with a question about what kind of art her husband did.  Cindy was the high school gal, and Janelle was the gal my age.  Janelle's husband is a tattoo artist.  Cindy then informed us that she is headed home to Missouri for a long weekend visit for her younger sister's birthday, and that she is in a residential treatment program/boarding school in Salt Lake City for troubled teens.  THESE ARE THE TYPES OF KIDS I'M GOING TO HANG WITH IN NJ!!!  Opportunity one and two of the trip.  LOVE THIS!!!

So, if the trip would have ended right there, or in Denver, I could have come home and called this trip a success, and the Gospel would have been shared.  Praise God for his faithfulness to present opportunites when I ask for them.  I'm amazed and humbled.  But it gets better.  I get to Newark and find out I'm staying with Ray's friends right up the road from him.  Lizzy and Ivan.  Ivan is away on business until tomorrow, but their middle son, Marcos is home.  Marcos finished a degree in Chemistry, and is now going for his Master's in Divinity and has been hired by the Christian Missionary Alliance Church to be the missions pastor for a church plant in New Brunswick, NJ.  PLEASE BE PRAYING FOR THIS YOUNG MAN and for this church plant.  Their first service is this week.  They are way stoked about it, and this guy has the heart of a lion, lemme tell ya.  (For those that know Lee and Doris, the Christian Missionary Alliance Church is the one that they are connected to, besides our little body in Yoder). Anyway, these guys have fed me and put me up in amazing accomodations. 

Tomorrow I'll actually get to see Ray.  He had class tonight, so Sarah picked me up from the airport.  She helps Ray with the kids on Fridays.  These people have been really warm and receptive of me being here, and they are enthusiastic about why I'm here.  It's really encouraging.  I'll keep you posted on what my "assignments" are :) as I know.  I'm so excited to see how God is going to use me.  I'm just a willing and ready servant who wants to learn and......well, serve.  Whoa, right?  Cut me some slack, it's late and my poor brain is mush.  Thank you to those who have been praying.  I appreciate you. 

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Glorious Day, I'm PACKED!!!

I hate packing!  I love to travel, but I loathe the chore of packing.  Thank you, Paul, for the use of your space saver bags!  I am now a huge fan.  I packed 9 t-shirts, 4 pair of jeans, 1 pair of kakhis (or however you spell that color), 3 pull-over hoodies, 2 zip-up hoodies, 1 jacket, 1 pair of ski pants, 3 long sleeve shirts, 5 pair of underwear, 6 pair of socks, 3 pair of shorts, 2 pair of warm ups, and 2 pair of pj pants, a pair of boots and a pair of tennis shoes in ONE duffel bag that I can pick up left handed without throwing my hip into it.  BOOM!! I'm AMAZING!  Thank you, Bed Bath and Beyond for having great coupons, and thank you, Paul for shopping there.  Without them, I'd be wearing the same 4 outfits for the whole 6 weeks, and I'd likely still be spinning my wheels over which outfits I was taking.  Now I just have to remember to toss in the toiletries bag on Wednesday morning, and to toss a change of clothes into my carry on in case my luggage gets lost, and I am SET! (No, I'm not speaking that evil over myself, just going prepared!)

I don't know if I mentioned it already, but my plane flies out of PDX @ 7:15 a.m. on Wednesday.  The next few days will be mostly a blur with food appointments tossed in here and there with great people.  I have a few appointments that I am obligated to with medical professionals, and then the rest is just hanging out with people I love before I go. So, this will be the last time I'm on here before I go. Please be praying I don't pick up any creeping crud (viruses) on the flight over!  My poor system seems to be vulnerable to that kind of stuff, and I'd rather NOT be dealing with sickness to start my trip off.  Oh, and a place to stay would be good too!  I have a place for the first 3 days :)  Beyond that is still in the air.  No joke.  But God knows, and He is good, so I'll trust Him.  Thanks, ya'll!

Monday, October 3, 2011

A Change In Plans

God has already decided to start growing me in ways I didn't expect and I haven't even left Oregon yet.  Kody has decided he wants to wait to go to New Jersey at a later date, so that means this is a solo trip for me, and I will now be traveling via Southwest Airlines instead of by way of my little green Honda car.  I think in the long run, flying is cheaper, but it could possibly limit my mobility in New Jersey.  God knows the details and I will trust Him to work out the logistics over there as He has done here.  I was looking forward to the time with Kody, but I am so proud of him for praying about going and for listening to what God was telling him and for communicating openly about it.  It takes as much guts to speak up when God tells you to put on the brakes as it does to go when God gives you the green light.  What an example Kody is to me!! 

Ray has given me my first 'assignment'~ to start working on the logistics of a youth winter mission/retreat toward the end of winter break for youth from the VanBuren group as well as some youth from PA and possibly Ohio.  Please be praying for me as I do this!  It's not necessarily foreign territory, per se, it's just not well travelled territory.  I'm excited to help Ray in whatever way I can, and to help him give hands and feet to the vision God has given him for his ministry.  Pray for these kids too!  There is battle going on for their hearts.  I am leaving Oregon on October 12th and will come home on November 20th.  Just in time for Thanksgiving.  I'll post between now and then, I'm sure, but just in case I don't, thank you for watching and for praying!